Take Time to Say Thanks: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Today, January 9th, 2015, we join several other law enforcement organizations and citizens in showing support for law enforcement officers through National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.). In light of the recent negativity directed towards the law enforcement community, we need to show these brave men and women that we are thankful for all that they do.

Law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day in order to confront crime and violence in our communities and safeguard the citizens they were sworn to protect. On average, a U.S. law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty every 58 hours. More than 50,000 officers are assaulted, and more than 15,000 officers are injured in the line of duty each year.

This past year was particularly devastating for the law enforcement community. 126 officers were killed in the line of duty and violent ambush-style attacks on law enforcement officers increased. In 2014, fifteen officers nationwide were killed in ambush assaults, matching 2012 for the highest total since 1995. Not many other professions have such risks.


We ask that you join us today in thanking law enforcement officers for their public service and for all that they do to help others. You can show your support in a number of ways:

  • Change your profile picture on social media to the jpg image provided at http://www.facebook.com/nationalcops
  • Wear blue clothing in support of law enforcement
  • Send a card of support to your local police department or state agency
  • Share a story about a positive law enforcement experience on social media
  • Ask children in your community to write letters in support of law enforcement
  • Shine a blue light in your house

Most importantly, if you see a police officer, say thank you.

Visit the IACP blog.

International Association of Chiefs of Police
Alexandria, Virginia