10 Surefire Ways to Fail at Success

Sure success is great, but it’s not for everyone. After all if we don’t fail how can we measure success right? Besides success looks really hard and it’s easier staying right here.

1-Don’t take responsibility;

If things don’t go as planned blame someone else. Never self reflect or ask “how can I improve?” It’s much easier to blame others than it is to look truthfully in the mirror.

2-Spend more time in front of the TV than a book;

How you spend your down time matters. You deserve to sit in front of the TV for hours and let the boob tube do your thinking. After all readers tend to be boring, they never know what happened on the Kardashians.

3-Avoid spending time with others who have experienced success;

Surround yourself with like minded people; those who complain a lot, or those who can’t stand their boss or job. Successful people tend to be “stuck up” and full of themselves. It’s much easier putting them down than building myself up.

4-Dwell on past failures;

Live in the past and become a genuine archeologists. Keep repeating the same mistakes and keep blaming what your parents or seventh grade teacher didn’t do for you. Each time you try something hard or new and don’t succeed quickly remind yourself of past grievances. Remember life is not fair and you’ve probably not been treated fairly.

5-When the going gets tough…quit;

Stay down if you fall. Let someone else take the risk or criticism. After all it’s painful to try and not succeed. “Flying under the radar” is the failure’s motto. It’s much easier to dream than to do. And keep asking; “how were they so lucky?”

6-Constantly try being someone your not;

Look at others and wish you were them. Their life must be perfect and they don’t have my life experiences, education or skills. If only I was richer, taller, smarter…or my nose was smaller.

7-Please everyone;

Tell everyone what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. It’s important that everyone like you not just respect you. If you’re honest you might not get that promotion or bonus. Being a part of the “inner circle” is more important than being honest and candid.

8-Never be grateful;

“Even a blind squirrel will find a nut if they keep clawing.” And when you do have some success don’t celebrate, but complain that it was a long time coming, or it should have been better. Avoid taking the time to be thankful for what you do have.

9-Remember it’s all about me;

Keep asking “what’s in it for me?” Consider yourself more important than the mission or objective. Short term benefits are more gratifying than the sacrifice that may never bring success? It’s much more fulfilling watching others around me fail than seeing them succeed.

10-Maintain the wrong definition of success;

Keep dwelling on how much money you make, the size of your home, the age of your car. Do you have the latest piece of technology? And be very careful that you don’t consider the less fortunate and how might you help them.

No one grows up wanting to fail. It takes effort and the practice of bad habits. But if YOU want to succeed…get busy and overcome these ten practices!

This post was originally published on January 3, 2016 on Sheriff Martin’s blog.

Russell L. Martin
Delaware County Sheriff's Office, Ohio