Orlando…a new normal? Perhaps.

A week later I have some observations about the shooting in Orlando.

  1. We may be entering a new normal. Terrorism has been around for a long time, but generally not to this degree in this nation. In this country the foundation of freedoms in our Constitution have been valued by its citizens and mutual respect generally has lead to a better and safer society. Terrorists have been using their fear and shock tactics for years in the Middle East, more recently in Europe and now it has crossed the ocean. But let’s remember the Oklahoma bombing and keep in perspective that perverted thinking has been homegrown in the past and can rear its ugly head even in this great nation.
  2. Chief Martin
  3. We are not alone. I have been to Europe and Israel and seen the measures that have been taken to secure peace and safety. Life goes on in these regions, but don’t be surprised to see a greater presence of heavily armed law enforcement working in partnership with the military. Our citizens, along with policy makers under the umbrella of our Constitution, will have to decide to what measure we want to allow local law enforcement to be supplemented by the military in certain areas at certain times. I was very comfortable visiting the Eiffel Tower while an armed military presence patrolled and felt the same when I observed both the police and military presence in Israel.
  4. Quit focusing on the killer and spend more time honoring the innocent. I’m sick of the media’s attempt to deconstruct the psychological profile of the perverted thinking killer. Even forensic psychiatrists often have only a hypothesis of why someone would do such an act. While there may be some benefit for the sake of “profiling” let’s be clear that disturbing actions begin in a disturbed mind fed by disturbed messages (garbage in/garbage out). These media attempts to figure out the killer’s thinking brings them far too much attention and sometimes creates an excuse for their behavior. I don’t even want to hear their names after the 1st report. Like tropical storms we should give these losers pseudonyms that match their act. I never want them glorified!
  5. Turn off the television. The 24-hour news cycle and the advent of social media create a never-ending stream of information often based upon the same limited information but constantly reinforced in our consciousness. Everyone has a theory; we just don’t have all the information. Watching the same message hour after hour packaged with different teasers and presented by talking heads can impact our resilience at both the personal and national level. Get the basic news you need to stay informed, be discerning and then walk away from the TV or computer. There is a world going on outside your door and it needs your attention. Don’t give the terrorists the satisfaction of knowing we are overly focused on their demented acts.
  6. It all gets politicized today. I understand the value of political and ideological debate. But honestly, in these polarized times we begin the inflammatory dialogue before the blood dries at the scene. Lets prefer to honor the deceased with some mutually agreed upon time to grieve, pray and speak respectfully for the loss of those loved by their friends and family.
  7. Government does not have all the answers and cannot assure everyone’s safety all the time. We need to accept the fact that limited governments whose foundational cornerstone is individual freedom cannot protect all of us all the time. Individuals have some responsibility in their own protection and survival. I am not advocating returning the expectation of total safety to individuals. Government has a significant role in protecting its citizens based upon the Social Contract theory. But on some levels we need to be realistic about injury and loss of life in a “fallen world.” In this great nation there is a delicate balance between individualism and collective security.
  8. Community safety means the community works together to keep us safe. We’re in this together. If something doesn’t look right don’t let political correctness talk you out of your intuition. And law enforcement should be diligent in running down any suspicious activity to the fullest measure within the restraints of the law.
  9. Anger may be healthier than fear. Unabated and irrational fear can dramatically change lifestyles, and that’s the intent of terrorist attacks. Sharks do bite humans, but it doesn’t keep me from swimming in the ocean. But I might not swim where people are fishing. I’m going to apply common sense based upon the best information I have. I recently hiked in the mountains and came upon some large animal droppings (probably bear or mountain lion). I took the necessary common sense precautions, but I wasn’t deterred from enjoying the rich mountain views. I’m just angry enough that I’m not going to let some loser keep me from enjoying life.
  10. Theology matters. Resilience is critical in our personal and national psyche. And I believe a sound understanding and worldview makes all the difference. There is evil in the world and it has been present since the original fall of mankind. And evil is not going away. It is a product of free will that allows us each day to make choices. But we also have been given the opportunity to freely love and choose the honorable path of service to others. The Christian Church should pray for the oppressed and the oppressor. Government should provide protection for all to worship and live freely and when you cross that line good governments protect the oppressed from the oppressors.
  11. SRO Vehicle
  12. A lot is being asked of local police. In recent years law enforcement has been often vilified and most of it unwarranted. Unfortunately the actions of the few have tarnished the pride that most of us feel with the star, badge or shield we wear. But remember this; when evil presents itself and attacks the innocent it will be your local law enforcement that is running to the gunfire. Rest assured I know many heroes who look like normal neighbors that are committed to performing great acts of valor, if necessary, so that each of us can daily experience the freedoms afforded in this great nation. Fear not free citizens of this wonderful country we’re in it together.

This post was originally published on June 19, 2016 on Sheriff Martin’s blog.

Russell L. Martin
Delaware County Sheriff's Office, Ohio