A Note Of Thanks

I have the pleasure of supervising the Special Enforcement Team at the Bangor Police Department.

Officer Evan Haskell is one of the two fine officers that comprise that team. In other words-he works for me and does a great job.

I received this note about 10 minutes ago and I really think it deserves to be seen. Haskell is “that kind of cop,” and I appreciate his dedication to his job.

Strong work.


Here is the note.

“Just wanted to share with you that Officer Haskell was my hero today. After accidentally dropping my tablet outside of the hospital while I was on my way to teach a training, I hadn’t realized it was missing until almost 5 minutes later. I ran back outside and over to the hospital to ask security if it had been reported and the security guard said he tried to confront and follow 2 girls who picked it up in a bag and ran off and wouldn’t turn around to him asking if it was theirs.

We called police and officer Haskell came right over, listened and even though I had already came to the conclusion of never see my tablet again, he still took it serious, was patient with me, and said he would call if he heard anything.

He called pawn shops, checked the gas station for footage and of course the only camera shot we got at the hospital didn’t have their faces. Now to most people, their tablet is for games, entertainment, etc… not me… my tablet is my lifeline.

I am in school for my masters in Family Nurse Practitioning. My tablet has mobile data on it so when i run errands in town and my son falls asleep in his car seat, I pull in to anywhere and study in my car while he sleeps. I can’t do that with my laptop. I work 40+hours a week, have an 18 month old, a home to maintain and in school. I certainly work for every penny I have so I was quite devastated.

To top it off, the only reason I had my tablet was because it was in the bag of food I was bringing to donate to the a local food pantry and I didn’t have time to bring it back to my car before teaching.

Long story short (not really), he tracked them down by jumping through hoops and using his obvious talents of investigating. My tablet was returned to me safely and the two not-so-honest women were charged.

I am so thankful for all the police officers. I’ve encountered many that have kept me and my colleagues safe at the hospital. I know he thinks he was just doing his job, but he made a stressful situation for me, much easier with a great ending. There will be a delivery from Shari’s Berries this Friday for him. Thank you again!”


Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people’s things alone, and be kind to one another.

We will be here. Have a great Tuesday night.

This post was originally published on June 6, 2017 on Bangor Maine Police Department Facebook page.

Bangor Police Department
Authored by Sergeant Tim Cotton
Bangor, Maine