Announcement from the IACP and IACP Net

For more than 25 years, IACP Net has worked side by side with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and thousands of law enforcement leaders with the shared goal of providing world-class information and resources. While many believed that IACP Net and the IACP were one in the same, we were actually two separate entities working closely to realize the above goal.

However, that has now changed. We are excited to share that we are now one in the same – in December, the IACP acquired LogIn, Inc., the company that has brought you IACP Net.

What does this mean for you?

You will still receive the same great customer service and access to valuable resources that you have come to expect from IACP Net. There will be no disruption to your subscription to IACP Net.

Is anything going to change?

What will change is the billing procedure and how you submit your payments. There will be no change to your payment amount. For information on how to make payment, please contact your IACP Net rep at 800-227-9640. Details were also sent out to all customers via email.

We look forward to continuing to serve you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email our support team at 800-227-9640 or membership@iacpnet.com. I am confident that our newly combined organization will serve you well in the days and years to come.


Vincent Talucci
Executive Director / Chief Executive Officer