Easily locate in-use forms from over 3,000 samples available in standard file formats in the following categories:
- Administration
- Civil process
- Corrections
- Human resources
- Internal affairs
- Investigations
- Patrol
- Property and evidence
- Public forms
- Training
- Other miscellaneous forms
The ultimate resource for updating your policy manual. Over 25,000 policies -- 10,000 from CALEA-accredited agencies -- including:
- License plate readers
- Grooming and appearance
- Social media
- Canine units
- Active shooters
- Body-worn cameras
- Pursuits
- Use of force
- Animal control
- School resource officers
- Secondary employment
- Electronic control devices
- Recording police activity
- So much more!
Compare yourself to other law enforcement agencies using statistical reports on topics such as:
- Incentive compensation
- Minimum education requirements
- Personnel assignments
- Screening techniques
- Operating budgets
- Patrol functions
- Less-than-lethal weapons
- Motorized fleets
- Community policing
Main e-Library
Stay informed with over 75,000 resources at your fingertips, including:
- Best practices
- Award-winning programs
- Training videos
- Podcasts
- Ordinances
- Revenue-generating ideas
- Human resources samples
- In-depth reports
- Cost-saving initiatives
- Industry publications
- Much more!

Events & Training
Your online calendar of events, including:
- Training opportunities, free and paid
- Online trainings
- Upcoming conferences
- Regional workshops
Stay current on news and announcements from sources around the country.
Sources include agencies from around the country including the IACP, federal agencies and other major law enforcement associations.
Keep up-to-date with our own weekly compilation of law enforcement-related news articles.
Federal Legislation
Watch relevant law enforcement bills move through the United States Congress.
Law enforcement federal legislation is tracked and updated so you can keep up-to-date on the progress of bills.
Analysis by the IACP is included on select bills.
Find the aid you need all in one place, including grant and funding announcements on:
- Public grants
- Private sector grants
- No-cost and low-cost training
- Educational materials
- Software downloads
- Equipment
- Many other opportunities!

Find Departments
Locate member agencies by:
- Number of sworn officers
- State or national accreditation status
- Specialized units
- Regional location
- Department size
Find Users
The social networking tool for command staff where you can share:
- Photos
- Resumes
- Info on law enforcement experience
- Law enforcement training info
- Education background
- Memberships
- Awards
- Contact information
You can request a survey topic by calling your customer service representative. Past surveys include:
- Staffing
- School resource officers
- Part-time officers
- Policy review
- Tablet computers
- Citizens video recording police activity
- Tattoo policies
- Use of force
- In-car electronic device use
- Fitness standards
- Take home vehicles
- Accreditation
Connect with over 6,000 leading-edge law enforcement professionals. Post a question or share your knowledge in IACP Net’s secure peer-to-peer information sharing tool. This month’s hot topics include:
- Team building exercises
- Video recording systems
- Patrol rifle for SRO
- Anti-heroin / opiate initiative

Record and report on pursuit data with this vital, database-driven resource. Empowers command staff and supervisors to make better pursuit-related decisions based on hard data across 30 data fields. Available at no charge to IACP Net subscribers who participate by adding their pursuit data. More information on Pursuits is available at:
Exclusive search engine providing fast, accurate searching of thousands of law enforcement web sites. These police-related sites are hand-picked, reviewed, and evaluated for relevance to law enforcement. Once they pass IACP Net's quality standards, sites are catalogued, indexed, and searchable.
Since 1991, LogIn, Inc. has cooperated with the International Association of Chiefs of Police to produce IACP Net, the premier online information network that allows law enforcement executives to command answers. Find information and links to:
- IACP conferences
- Personnel
- Professional services
- Programs and projects
- Publications
- Training
Find thousands of relevant law enforcement web sites in this directory, including links to:
- Police departments
- Sheriff’s offices
- Federal agencies
- State legislation
- Judicial sites
- Law enforcement associations
- Research organizations
Briefing Papers
White papers and reports on hot topics and current issues in law enforcement. Recent sources have included:
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection
- Police Executive Research Forum
- U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
- Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative
- International Association of Chiefs of Police
- National Forensic Science Technology Center
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Anti-Defamation League
- National Institute of Justice
- Community Oriented Policing Services
- U.S. Department of Education
Reports and profiles from the Bureau of Justice Statistics for use as a comparative tool in all areas of law enforcement management and administration, including:
- Community policing
- Compensation
- Computer uses
- Demographics
- Emergency preparedness
- Full- and part-time strength
- Less-lethal weapons
- Operation budgets
- Sidearms and body armor
- Special units
- Training and education
- Vehicles and cameras
Traffic Tech Notes
Review reports published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Traffic Tech Notes contains information about traffic safety programs, including:
- Evaluations
- Innovative programs
- New publications
Search current and past issues of leading periodicals, including:
- The Police Chief
- Sheriff & Deputy
- AELE Monthly Law Journal
- American City & County
- FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
- Forensic Magazine
- Governing

Newly Added
Scan this section on the home page for latest additions to IACP Net's most popular service areas, including:
- Documents added to the Main e-Library
- Funding opportunities, including grants, no-cost training, free equipment, and more
- In-use Policies from agencies across the nation
- Questions from your peers in the Quest-Response service
Research Folders
If you are interrupted or your research takes place over time, Research Folders gives you quick and easy access to this information at any time. Create a topical folder and store your research into one location. IACP Net documents, Internet links, and other notes can all be added to folders for easy access. Folders can be shared with users within your department.
Quickly scan this customizable tool for the latest additions since your last visit. Simply log in once a week and review the items in your Trakker box to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in law enforcement. Trakker is customizable and allows you to focus on the information most relevant to your job.
Site Search
Provides search access to key resources across IACP Net's service areas. Site Search helps you in determining the scope, type, and availability of information on a particular topic. It's a good place to start or to find out what's available.
Hot Topics
Maximize your time with fast access to 80 of the most commonly requested research topics in:
- Administration
- Crime and crime prevention
- Equipment
- Human resources
- Procedures