If you find one of my pennies…

Thoughts from Chief Sjolander…

If you find one of my pennies…

Part of my healing journey with PTSD is trying to find ways to “lean into the discomfort” and work on healing my mind and my past. Part of my problem is I’ve worked the same area for most of my career and I see constant reminders of bad incidents I’ve had. The homes where horrible things took place behind closed doors. The roads where I’ve tried to save a life that was gone before I got there, or maybe I witnessed them taking their last breath, but you try and pray that a miracle might come their way, but didn’t…

It was suggested that I revisit some of these places and try to come to terms with what took place and my role in these tragic events.

I’ve decided to “lean into the discomfort”, revisit some of the places that I have trouble letting go of and see if that helps.

I’ll give it a try, but I’m also leaving something behind. A penny, face up, so “In God We Trust” is visible.

Some of the pennies will be new and shiny, like me when I started. Some will be more worn, faded, and have been a few places, like me now. The condition isn’t as important as the message and the message just might give someone else hope, or maybe fill an empty pocket and each penny still has value, just like each of us.

So if you see one of my pennies, pick it up if you like. It won’t bring you good luck, but it just might remind you that everyone has struggles and everyone matters.

Stay safe,


This post was originally published on December 5, 2016 on Kenyon Police Department’s Facebook page.

Lee Sjolander
Chief of Police
Kenyon Police Department, Minnesota