
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The best executive is the one who has enough sense to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

As Sheriff, I believe it’s important to lead with a positive reinforcement-based leadership style that edifies and fully utilizes the knowledge and strengths of our staff to help with the day-to-day duties and decision making. Our staff, in every department, brings to the table years of experience, both inside and outside law enforcement. The men and women who serve the Sheriff’s Office and this community deserve a positive, enthusiastic, supportive Sheriff’s Administration that allows them to do what they do best without micro-managing, while leading with an impartial compass for what’s right and what’s wrong. I firmly believe this leadership style that we’ve adopted has greatly benefited both our staff and the people we serve.

Leadership isn’t about how far you advance yourself, it’s all about how far you advance others. We regularly praise and credit our amazing team of men and women who serve day and night – both with the public and internally throughout the year, as well as during our annual Awards Banquet each year. It’s been very exciting to see, with the right tools and encouragement, our team working together and accomplishing some pretty major goals and improvements over the past three years. It’s been even more exciting to see our employees learning and growing – developing into our future leaders. For me, that’s probably one of the greatest experiences as Sheriff – to be in a position to help those who are willing to work hard and grow develop into our future leaders.

Leadership is really all about producing more leaders, not more followers.

This positive leadership philosophy has proven effective over the past three years – evident by the number of our employees who have been recognized state-wide for their work and achievements:

• Captain Ryer Anderson – Minnesota Sheriff’s Association Supervisor of the Year
• Investigator Jeff Brumfield – LELS Annual Lou Jeska Award
• Sergeant Rich Allee – Minnesota Sheriff’s Association Service Award
• Melissa Bublitz / Records Dept – PLEAA Excellence in Service Award

This past week, at the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Governors Conference, our PSAP/Emergency Management Director Matt Maas was awarded the annual Emergency Management Director of the Year award.

While there are many accomplishments throughout the year by many of our staff, these are just a few great examples of staff going above and beyond and being recognized inside and outside of our office for their efforts – evidence that our style of leadership works here in Dodge County.

We are excited to learn, improve, and strengthen our staff and it’s abilities in 2018 – to continue to provide Dodge County the level and quality of law enforcement services you’ve come to expect from our office.

Thank you for the opportunity, your confidence, and your trust.

Your Sheriff,


This post was originally published in February, 2018 at Sheriff Rose’s blog.

Scott Rose
Dodge County Sheriff's Office, Minnesota