Thank You

We had another very successful Police Week last week. This year we highlighted and honored Hayfield Police Chief Doug Claassen at the SE MN Law Enforcement Memorial in Rochester. It was great to see Kathy and her family there and to honor Doug’s service and sacrifice, along with all the sacrifices that Doug’s family made before and after he was injured in the line of duty. Our state ceremony on May 15th went great as well at the Capitol grounds with beautiful weather and a great crowd. At that program we placed a memorial wreath in memory of our late Captain Loring Guenther, to honor and remember his service and sacrifice to our community, and to remind his wife Deb that we will always be there for her.

At both events this week, while other officers shared their challenges and concerns about problems with law enforcement relations their respective communities, it caused me to reflect on how fortunate we are to serve as law enforcement officers here in Dodge County, and to say “Thank You”. . .

THANK YOU – for being supportive of the men and women who serve as officers, deputies, and troopers in our communities.

THANK YOU – for remembering to thank our Dispatchers too for the amazing work they do behind the scenes.

THANK YOU – for taking the time to smile and wave when you see one of us drive by.

THANK YOU – for saying, “Thank you for your service…” to us when you see us at one of our local stores or events. That means more than you know to our staff.

THANK YOU – For sending treats to our staff at the Sheriff’s Office and showing them they are appreciated.

THANK YOU – For not using us as the bad guy with your children, “If you don’t behave I’ll have to call the cops to come over here and deal with you.” We need your children to trust us and feel comfortable approaching us anytime they need help.

THANK YOU – For teaching your children to respect and trust law enforcement by both your words and by your example.

THANK YOU – For letting us give tours of our office and the courthouse to your youth groups, giving us the opportunity to be a positive influence on them and share all the positives about law enforcement officers and this great career.

THANK YOU – For being polite and respectful if we do end up stopping you on traffic, or having contact during an incident.

THANK YOU – For displaying a blue light outside your home to show you support us.

THANK YOU – For saying a prayer for our staff’s safety.

THANK YOU – For wearing blue during police week, and displaying blue ribbons in support of law enforcement.

THANK YOU – For sharing the positive stories about law enforcement.

It’s an honor and privilege to serve in a community like Dodge County that is so supportive of all the great work our men and women do keeping our communities and neighborhoods safe day and night. I couldn’t be more blessed to have the opportunity to grow up, raise my family, and serve my entire career in such an amazing community.


Your Sheriff,


This post was originally published in May, 2019 at Sheriff Rose’s blog.

Scott Rose
Dodge County Sheriff's Office, Minnesota