Texas Two-Step, APPD Style

We’ve deployed a new tool to help us with traffic enforcement (or, better: “to help motorists avoid getting caught up in traffic enforcement”). Think of our mobile radar trailer as another warning, aside from TxDOT’s or the City’s posted speed limits signage.

APPD Step #1

Follow the speed limit signage erected by TxDOT or the City. These speed limits have been determined effective in keeping all motorists and pedestrians who traverse along Texas roadways safe.

APPD Step #2

Please be aware of our new tool, the radar trailer. If you see it along your commute, that is because you are traveling along a route where we are experiencing excessive traffic infractions or other related traffic events. However, don’t mistake it for the absence of enforcement. Police might be lurking in the area waiting for those who choose to disregard these notices.

APPD Step #3 … or #2(b)

Yeah, yeah, yeah!! I know — it’s only supposed to be two steps; but it is! It’s a continuation of step 2, technically . . .

So, this is how it goes. If you happen to miss step number 1 and 2, you will probably fall into the trap of step 2(b). That is, the Assistant Chief of Police David Wood and I have been lingering around the area with the lidar (that is a laser radar system). When a motorist gets pulled over passing the radar trailer, he or she is sure to receive a ticket.

In closing, please help us by doing your part. Many of us do not enjoy issuing out tickets but they are a necessary part of the job. Without traffic enforcement our roadways would not be safe.

I too know the pain of receiving a ticket. I recently received one myself and it hurt. Tickets are NO fun no matter how you look at them. However, by doing your part you are helping us do ours and helping keep yourself and all who commute along our Texas roadways safe.

I hope you’re enjoying your great weekend, AP!

– Chief

This post was originally published on March 2, 2019 at Chief Blanchard’s blog.

Eric Blanchard
Chief of Police
Aransas Pass Police Department, Texas