What really matters…

Thoughts from Chief Sjolander…

What really matters…

I exit my squad, and approach you with empty hands. You’re standing on the sidewalk, in a neighborhood, with your personal property close by. I tell you why I was sent here, and listen to you.

You’re angry, and you’re pacing. I check my six, stand a safe distance from you, trying not to look intimidating, or irritating you, but ready for anything. I scan the area for people, houses, etc. I listen to my radio for more information, and I know back up is a ways away yet. I’m watching your hands… Always watch the hands.

My mind is racing. I know this can go a lot of different ways, and I want… No, I pray that you calm down and we both leave here safely. All I want is your side of the story, that’s it. I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want to hurt you. I’m not looking for a “win”, or to prove anything to anyone, and I hope you aren’t either. I realize that I have a lot of responsibility right now, and I hope you know you have a lot of responsibility as well. (The above two paragraphs take place in a split second)

I know you, you’re young, younger than some of my own kids, and you have your whole life to live yet.

I wonder why you’re so angry. We visit, I let you “vent” at me, and we make a plan. You pick up your belongings and leave. I get back in my squad, add some notes in the computer, and tell Dispatch that I’ll be heading to a home to get more information regarding this call.

This scenario takes place across our nation every day in places large and small and all I hope for is this… If I see you again, I hope you remember our last conversation, the respect I gave you, the respect I received in return, and by working together, we showed that no one is better than anyone else.

We both left better off and able to be with the ones we love the most, because in the end, that’s what really matters.

Stay safe,


This post was originally published on September 4, 2016 on Kenyon Police Department’s Facebook page.

Lee Sjolander
Chief of Police
Kenyon Police Department, Minnesota